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OUR MINISTRIES (more forthcoming)

Worship & Arts Division


The purpose of the Worship & Arts Ministry is to illustrate God's Word through various forms of creativity. When we submit our gifts and talents to God it becomes another form of worship. We believe there is liberty in creative expression. We express our worship in the following areas: Praise & Worship, Liturgical Dance, Mime ministry and Drama with more to come.

Evangelism Ministry


The Evangelism Ministry is committed to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ  throughout the community. By using a diversified approach in Outreach and Evangelism the entire Congregation has the opportunity to be involved in advancing the Kingdom of God.

Ladies of Grace (L.O.G) - Exclusively for Women


Ladies of Graces teaches, encourages, equips and empowers women to grow spiritually and build long lasting sisterhood relationships. This ministry offers women of all ages a place for restoration, healing and fellowship while acquiring a greater knowledge of their Biblical role as women.

Sunday school


Sunday school classes minister the Word of God in an intimate setting for all members of the PPC family.

Men's Forum


The Men’s Forum is an outreach ministry open to all men. It is a safe place where men bond with one another as they "speak out" about issues specific to them.  This ministry was birthed out of the heart of our Senior Pastor who understands the need for men to be lifted up and celebrated as they walk in dominion and authority. 

Youth Development Department


The Youth Development Department supports the Children, Youth and Young Adult Ministries. It provides training and support for both natural and spiritual matters at the various levels.

Through biblical teaching, impartation and practical application the students will develop an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, become disciples that will impact their generation for the Kingdom of God.

Men of Faith - Exclusively for Men


Men of Faith exits to equip and empower men in their relationship with their families, their church and their community. The goal is to develop integrity and character, as well as authentic relationships. As these men are successful in their learning, they are expected to train the young men who follow them.

New Member's Ministry


Is designed to provide support and  assistance to new members as they matriculate through the new member process to become acclimated to the culture and spirit of the ministry. 

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